Post Summer Rejuvenation


We all wish summer could last forever but whether we like it or not our body's are exhausted. Summer takes a toll on everyone's skin and hair. From sunburned skin to salty dried out hair, our body's are paying the price. Now our skin and hair needs a little extra loving to repair the damage done. Read on for some DIY skin care recipes to give your face and body a healthy, fresh look for Fall. 

Coffee & Coconut Scrub to Tighten and Refresh Tired Skin


1 cup coconut oil

1/3 cup coffee grounds

Directions: Strain coffee grounds (lightly, they don’t need to be dry). Heat 1 cup of coconut oil in the microwave for 30 sec or until melted. Mix together and transfer to a sealable jar for storage. After 30 minutes to an hour the coconut oil will solidify and the coffee grounds will settle to the bottom. Before use, stir to combine.

After-Sun Lotion to Soothe and Hydrate Skin


3 tablespoons Aloe Vera gel

1 tablespoon Olive Oil

2 tablespoon Coconut Oil

1 tablespoon Cocoa Butter

15 drops of Lavender Essential Oil

Directions: Simply measure out all of your ingredients and mix together into a creamy paste. (You might need to heat up the cocoa butter and coconut oil a bit.) Pour into a small jar (4 oz or larger) or pot. Store in a cool, dark place and this lotion should last for a few months.

Honey Leave-In Treatment for Dry or Sun-Damaged Hair

For Dry or Sun-Damaged Hair

Massage approximately 1/2 cup honey into clean, damp hair, let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can also add 1 to 2 Tbsp olive oil to loosen the honey for easier application. For extremely sun-damaged hair, trying mixing honey with 1 to 2 Tbsp of a protein-rich ingredient, like avocado or egg yolk, which will help replenish the keratin protein bonds that UV rays attack. Treatment can be applied once a month.