Bikini Bird P O P UP SHOP at Vestal Village April 11-13

We are headed to the desert! So excited to celebrate festival season with our friends at Vestal Watches at their 5th annual Vestal Village VIP Party in Indio, CA. If you are attending, be sure to stop by xx. Not coming out? Shop our favorites at SHOPBIKINIBIRD.COM

Featured Brands:

Lolli SwimwearTori PraverL*SpaceIndahVolcom WomensTavik SwimwearSamudraKnot SistersAcacia SwimwearMara HoffmanAmuse SocietyLovely BirdFlash Tattoos, Kira Hawaii JewelryBahgsu JewelsKula Kai JewelryVntg Supply CoOcean Dreamer Flower CrownsCarissa Woo Photography